
Onboarding on Paytm



Please follow below steps for integrating with Paytm AI Router

If you are a new merchant, with no existing Paytm PG integration, you'll need to follow the steps below:

  • Onboarding
  • API Integration

Onboarding using Paytm Dashboard


 Note: This step is applicable only to new merchants.


If you are a new merchant, you will first need to onboard yourself on Paytm PG through our standard PG onboarding process, post which you can manually onboard yourself on Paytm AI Router. 


Steps for onboarding new merchant:

  1. Create your account on the Merchant Dashboard.

    Once you login you can see the following screen.


     Recommendation: You can try out the Test Mode option. When you are ready to go live, activate your account in the dashboard to get production account credentials. Production MID (PG MID) is generated by Paytm after successful verification and activation of your account. It can be fetched from the same dashboard (under Developer Settings tab).

  2. Save the PG MID and Merchant Key generated after account creation. Once you login you can see the API keys in the sidebar under Developers. Click on the API keys link to acquire Test MID.


  3. When you are ready to go live, activate your account in the dashboard to get production account credentials. 
  4. Click on Production API Details to view the Production MID and Merchant Key.

 Note: Production MID (PG MID) is generated by Paytm after successful verification and activation of your account. It can be fetched from the same dashboard.

Onboarding on Paytm AI Router


If you are an existing Paytm PG merchant, you can manually onboard yourself on the Paytm AI Router.


  1. Please get in touch with our Key Account Managers (KAMs) for the onboarding process. 
  2. Our integration team will contact you once your AI Router production credentials (AI Router MID and AI Router Merchant Key) are created. 
  3. You can access the AI Router MID through the Paytm dashboard by following the below steps:  
    • Login to the Paytm merchant dashboard
    • Navigate to the left panel of the dashboard. You can access your AI Router Merchant ID and Key from the API Key section under the Developer Settings tab.
    • Note down your Merchant Key for Staging

      To find your merchant key for the staging environment, click on Test API details. Your AI Router MID along with the staging key and channel ID will be present in this section.

    • Note down your Merchant Key for Production 

      To find your merchant key for the production environment, click on Production API details. Your AI Router MID along with the production key and channel ID will be present in this section.

    • The MID and merchant keys available in this section will be used for further integration.